
Daily Words 9/13/2010

I have not posted in...I don't know how many days. Well, there isnt much to say. So, I shall ramble, and make things sound interesting.

It's not that i don't love you. It's that i don't love you enough to post EVERY SINGLE DAY. Honestly, my little brain cannot take so much. Cannot create so much, Cannot write so much. So I was lazy, thought, "O fuck those guys" But no, o no, I was wrong. I should stimulate you, love you and care for you.
With boring little posts. :D

First off, today was ok. So, I probably won't entertain you, because no dramatic scenes or face-offs. Just normal little day, normal boring day... 
Lunch wasn't anything special.
Neither were any other periods. 
What can I say, School sucks ass.
BUT, the ride home sucked. I got on, then this little fuck just comes up and says,
"Sorry your brother died."
I know I should appreciate that, but it was a little blunt. I am known for being picky, especially on complements or condolences.

Here is a lesson for you to abide by. When someone dies, don't say sorry, because you don't understand. Most people just don't understand and they think they do, and it irritates me when people say things like, "O i hate my dad." No, you fucking dont. 
"O, I want my brother to die, he teases me." Shut the fuck up.

Ok day.   


Daily Words 9/9/2010

Short Daily Words
They are only short because I am not having the best of days. I would tell about it but i dont wish to bore.
Bored to death.


Bored || The Beginning

     Once upon a time, there was a boy. And he is typing right now. Okay, not exactly the best way to start off an entry because that was so awful. Well, I will write entries just typing subjects to quench my boredom.

All of a sudden I am thinking a color,
ok, yellow...I will think banana.. What to do with this Banana?

Ok, first...I will shove it in Miley Cyrus's face and eat whatever comes out.

All of a sudden I am thinking of a number,
O what number would it be?
ok. Age to start driving. Age to start Hitting Dogs. Age to start hitting cats.
Age to get lost and find yourself in a forest without any pants when you wake up the next day and
you find that refuse and indescribable scents and substances abound.
I tell with such detail(woohoo(; u know what im talking about mmhmm)

Im done,
Not really, I love you all.

Daily Words 9/8/2010

Happy First Daily Words!!!!
This is the first of the Blogs about my terribly boring life, and you must read it.
 Day started off as most, sleepy. Shower, coffee, school. But who the fuck cares about my life, I'll just ramble on and type whatever comes to mind.
The entire day, I've just wanted to write. I don't know why, I just did. So the minute I came through the door, I laid down on the floor and started to type this.
School: Lunch Break

I was supremely irritated at lunch, like so crazy. I wanted to find the first person, and snap his balls off like grapes. So, I sat down, Idle and boring conversation, the usual. (Call of Duty -_-) All of them talking about "noobtubing" some "Troll". And somehow, homosexuals came into the conversation. This one kid started rambling about saying,
"Dude, I fucking hate gay people" I got angry, because this kid was already on my nerves. You SHOULDN'T make fun of homosexual people, especially if you live where I live, where there are none. So I said,
"You've probably never even met one" Then he says that he "knows" someone who's gay, but he obviously is making it up because he does not even know the guys name. So, the conversation ended with him still being an ass, I just gave up. Why waste time on intolerant losers?


Old people words

This is a list of words that old people use. Comment below if i didn't mention a word (:
  1. Rad
  2. Groovy
  3. Funky
  4. Negro
  5. Colored
  6. Husky
  7. Goody two shoes
  8. Tootie Fruitie
EDIT: 9/8/10
  1. Golly Gee!
  2. Holy Cow!
And thats all i got. 


A picture that I drew, comments are heavily appreciated.

Figure Swimmers

My Opinion: 
The hell is up with this?
People walking in circles in water... Most people find this unbelievably stupid. "But Devn, they lift each other up too!" Well, Kudos for finding that out. Still, why do it? Swimming is moving in water, you dont have to make some sort of supposed "art" out of it. "OMG, im so talented, i can move in water..." Shut up.
Leave your opinions on Figure swimming in the comments. 

First Post

First Of Posts
The one to start them all
That was terribly terrible. But, to say as my first words:
You probably don't care what I say. I will try and make points on here, and other stuff like that... And you will probably not care. Most of the stuff on here is just gonna be stupid, and you probably will just read it to find something to do with your worthless time. I spend my worthless time typing this for you. To spend your worthless time on it.
Enjoy. I post daily, maybe more often.